Posted on: May 13, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

Huda is a mother and wife who runs a beauty and lifestyle blog. She enjoys sharing her passion for beauty and offers advice on parenting, relationships, self-care and mental health. Her blog demonstrates her inspiration for writing, in addition sharing enlightenment with her readers, she is also in the process of writing three separate books; one of poetry, one for personal development and one a thriller. This busy mom defines passion and inspiration in the work that she does each and every day.


Huda inspires her readers through her written word, giving them a chance to envelop in their own motivation and encouragement. Although she claims that she always wanted to be a motivational speaker, her shyness held her back from sharing her views and teaching by spoken word. That did not stop her from engaging her readers in the optimism that she provides. She claims that “my written words are powerful and command attention […] I know that I can change lives through writing.” And this is a challenge and success that she continues to strive for.

Huda refers to her personal empowerment daily. She expresses that “empowerment means to rise and lift up”, and in order to do so we need to engage in empowering relationships with other people, “helping others to shine doesn’t dim your ow light”. She understands empowerment to be a give and take relationship, empowering others, allows her to be empowered.

To Huda empowerment is more than a feeling, it is the star inside our soul that is working its way to shine bright. She claims that empowerment is a form of motivation, unlike any other, because “feeling empowered makes you feel like you can do and conquer anything in the world”. This worldview allows for Huda to tackle her dreams and make them a reality.


Passion is what runs through Huda’s veins, she is “passionate about being able to help others through [her] words and experiences”, allowing for her readers to connect with her on a level deeper than reading, but hearing and understanding the connection.

According to Huda, passion is the back behind our bone. She states that “if you don’t have the passion for something, then you’re doing it in a very half-ass way”, every moment, every glance, every action has purpose and passion behind it. “Passion lights a fire underneath you motivates you to keep going, and allows you to keep reaching for your dreams, not stopping until you are finally living them.” This is what drives her, what encourages her, and what she shares to encourage others.

When asked how she connected with the term “Live Passionately”, she explains:

” My self-help/personal development book covers this exact topic in a lot of detail, but I’m going to try to truncate it here. Due to traumatic events, my depression started when I was 13 years old and continued well into my 20s. Still to this day, I find myself battling with some of the remnants of that illness, but because of all of that, I was robbed of the opportunity to find out what truly made me happy in life. I grew up only ever wanting to make others happy with me even though what I was doing wasn’t bringing me joy at all. Basically, I was living my life for others. I had no passion or fulfillment, and in the end, all of that blew up in my face. For the longest time, I was in a transitional period in my life trying to find happiness, and it wasn’t until I was 30 years old, a year that was absolutely pivotal for me, that I finally found out what that was and I went after it full force. It was hard for me to deal with it because I was doing it alone. I didn’t have support – a lot of people were against it or didn’t believe in me. But I pursued what was in my heart, and I’m so happy I did because I finally feel like I’m finally true to who I am and I am doing what I’ve always wanted to do, and that is to make a difference and to smile while doing it; to be a good example to my kids and show them that being happy and financially secure are not mutually exclusive; that running after your dreams and actually living them is the most rewarding thing anyone could ever experience; that with hard work, patience, and faith, you will see yourself doing the impossible. That, to me, is what living passionately is all about. I’m doing it every day. And I’m loving it.”


Dedication is a reality coming to life. She states, “it is when you’re wholly focused and putting your energy into whatever it is you are wanting to do, and not stopping because of a minor inconvenience or at the first sight of failure”. Dedication is understanding that failure is not the end, but the progress that is necessary in order to succeed, because as Huda puts it, “dedication is to keep going, even though you feel like you want to stop.” This stance is demonstrated through her accomplishments in life.

She believes that”faith and hard work go hand in hand […] [that ] certain things are out of our control and we can only do so much, but we also can’t just sit around wishing and waiting for things to happen when we are not willing to do the work.” This shown through her constant commitment to her work, her readers and her three ongoing books. She claims that having empowerment, passion and dedication in the midst, is the “key to success”, the path that is taken in order to achieve the goals, dreams and aspirations laid out by you.