Posted on: May 12, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

Self-care is crucial, not only as a way to find our center, but for our overall health and wellness.

But what exactly does self-care mean?

We hear it in the media. We hear doctors and therapists telling us to engage in it, but what is it?

Self-care is being present in the moment with yourself. It is where you engage in an activity that brings ultimate and pure joy. This can be done through the expensive activities that the media shows us; but, it can also be done with simple things around the house that bring us joy.

That is what it is all about. Although people out there say that you are “only engaging in self-care when you are fully relaxed and not doing anything”, I don’t entirely agree. Self-care is all about the actions of joy. If it brings you joy, you are in a relaxed state and if you are in a relaxed state, then you are engaging in self-care… it is that simple.

Joy = Relaxation

Relaxation = Self-Care

So, why do people try to make self-care seem more complicated than it actually is?


Taking care of yourself and engaging in activities that you enjoy and release your endorphins, they have been around for centuries. In this decade it became more popular because society was starting to understand the benefits of it.

This is where media companies and brands decided that they would advertise for self-care in relation to their products. Products that cost a lot of money. Spa’s, treatments, creams, massages; all of these luxurious products were advertised as the way to practice self-care, which then became associated with complete silence and limited movement.

Although these practices can be considered self-care, if they don’t bring you joy, then you are not practicing self-care.

Activities can be as simple as going for a run, practicing yoga, meditating, journaling. all of these have limited costs and, if you enjoy them, give you the same result.

Refer to the photograph below for self-care examples that won’t cost you a fortune 👇