Posted on: September 19, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

The Market

When I first started living on my own I watched a lot of Hallmark movies… like a lot. One common theme that many of them had was Farmer’s Market.

Although I grew up in the country, surrounded by local produce… I still only bought everything at the store. I never ventured into new territory and I thought there wasn’t much of a difference between the vegetables you find in the store and the ones on the carts or in the markets. 

Just to clarify. I was wrong.

When I moved in with my partner and we found a place of our own I learned two very important things. 

1. My partner enjoys reading the newpaper and flipping through flyers in paper format au lieu of using his phone.

2. Through the newspaper we found out that we live walking distance from the local Farmer’s Market that takes place every Saturday from Spring to Early Fall.

Our first summer in our new place we went to check it out. It wasn’t love at first sight, in all honesty, I shrugged my shoulders and said it was okay. We went a few times to get vegetables or bread, but I was still buying most of my produce from the grocery store.

The year after, that became a game-changer.


The Community

The year after we started to mingle more in the community that we lived in. We began to make connections and see people regularly. Although I don’t actually know anyone by name, we are able to recognize each other by activity. “The person who runs” “The elderly couple who walks every day”. When the market opened back up again, I decided to give it another go and I am happy that I did. The market itself had stepped up its game, and there was a variety of different venders available. I became a regular to the vegetable stand, and my body appreciates the local, organic vegetables that I am putting into it. 

The Passion

As the third year came around I really started to understand the passion that the venders, and the women who run the market, have for what they do. It became an all-around spot to get most of my produce or support the local businesses that come from around the area.

I have a soft-spot for passion, so to see all these people, from the community that I live in, be so passionate about what they do, that is when you know you are getting produce and products that are taken care of. 

The Artisans

This year artisans really started to make a powerful statement at the market. Organic soaps, handmade hats, scarves, mitts. The idea of getting something homemade, truly homemade, with love and care, that is starting to come back again.

Especially with how much the world had to slow down in the last six months, there is a new appreciation for handmade gifts and the work that goes into them.

Wellness Benefits

I’m a big believer that our wellness comes from within; that our body knows the right choices and sometimes we just have to take the opportunity to listen.

What have I learned about wellness when it comes to the market? 

I learned that when we use local, handmade, organic products and produce we feel better. There is no going around that.

The vegetables are fresh, so you want to eat them because they aren’t squished from the truck ride to the store.

The soaps are natural to your body and allow you to immerse yourself in nature.

And in all honesty, sometimes its just psychological; that we feel better about ourselves for supporting local, so their products might taste better or feel better; but hey, it’s. still a positive for our wellness.