Posted on: March 26, 2021 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

Newsletters for the Entrepreneur

Abigail’s Daily is a Daily Column in The Innovative Online Journal to provide you with a short scoop on various topics. Designed to be a quick read during your morning coffee, open up The Innovative every weekday morning at 5:30 am and get your daily dose of Innovative.

What makes a good newsletter?

I have watched videos, tested new waters with my own newsletters and analyzed other newsletters in my inbox.

Here are the five key elements that make a newsletter one to open:

  1. A clear and captivating title
  2. Images to break up the text
  3. Link to outside resources (videos, playlists, podcasts, books, etc.)
  4. Speak from the heart
  5. Make sure your content is helping your readers.