Posted on: March 25, 2021 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

Love is more than blood

Abigail’s Daily is a Daily Column in The Innovative Online Journal to provide you with a short scoop on various topics. Designed to be a quick read during your morning coffee, open up The Innovative every weekday morning at 5:30 am and get your daily dose of Innovative.

I once asked myself if I have to love if loving someone jeopardizes my well-being?

Sometimes we are lucky, and we are surrounded by wonderful family and friends that support us in our all of our endeavours and respect our authentic self.


Sometimes we are not surrounded by love and respect from the people who share our DNA, but I wouldn’t say that that is unlucky, just eye-opening.

In certain cases, some people bring you down, even if they don’t realize it. They will crush your passion, and you will fear, be afraid to show your true self, share your dreams or ask for their support in any way. When you walk into a room and know they are there or see their name come up on your phone and your heart drops into your stomach, that’s your sign.

Just because you share DNA doesn’t mean that it should make any part of you feel unsafe, like your passion, authenticity, dreams or just your personality.

You might be thinking, “but I have to love them,” but if when you feel unsettled when they are around, you never did love them, just showed up because it was the norm, because it was the thing to do, even when you felt unsafe.

Stop allowing yourself to feel unsafe any more.

Start giving yourself healthy environments.

Maybe have a conversation, if at all possible, and if the conversation isn’t possible or it doesn’t go your way, don’t dwell on it, because love is more than blood; it’s showing up, it’s showing you care, and it’s being intentional about the decisions you make and what you say.