Posted on: April 5, 2021 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 8

Be your best wit these 5 inspiring books

Abigail’s Daily is a Daily Column in The Innovative Online Journal to provide you with a short scoop on various topics. Designed to be a quick read during your morning coffee, open up The Innovative every weekday morning at 5:30 am and get your daily dose of Innovative.

              If you know me, you know I love to read. I am always looking for the next best-seller or diving into a series without lifting my head for air. I love to immerse myself in books, which means I’ve read many, some great, some not so great.

Regardless of their content, I always commit to reading it thoroughly and giving the author the benefit of the doubt. Honestly, sometimes I can’t get through books because their content isn’t for me, and other times I try the audiobook because how it presents can change the context and vibe of the book itself. This concept read true for Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. I know it’s a classic, but I could not get through it when I tried to read it, BUT I adored it when I listened to the audiobook.

My point being, I have read a lot of books, gotten rid of a lot of books and continue to find new ones, so when I say I have five inspiring books that will motivate you to be the best version of yourself, I am not lying.

Book 1: Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

This book was my introduction to Rachel Hollis, an entrepreneur, blogger and all-around badass woman. Her story and how she shared her story inspired me to take the career path I was on and leave it in the dust. I wanted to try something new, I wanted to be happy, and this book’s contents showed me a different perspective on what joy and happiness mean versus what society tells us they mean.

Book 2: Eat, Pray, FML by Gabrielle Stone

I had the opportunity to interview Gabrielle Stone on the podcast and talk a bit about this book. I was so nervous that I forgot to bring up just how empowering her message was and just how empowering she was. This book not only inspired me to travel more, to try solo travelling, but it also enhanced my understanding of the value of journaling, of writing everything down.

Book 3: Worth It by Brit Barron

I also had the opportunity to have Brit Barron on the podcast to talk about her book; she was my first interview on the podcast, so of course, I clammed up, stuttering, nervous, and possibly made a mockery of myself. Still, to have a conversation with the person behind the book that inspired me to be my authentic self, you can’t put a price on that.

Book 4: Get Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt

Ironically enough, this book I have not finished because I have the full version on my Kindle; even with just the sample, I wanted to kick ass. When things aren’t going wonderfully, we start to point the finger towards the most accessible target we have, ourselves, but the world doesn’t revolve around us, it revolves around the sun, so we need to get over it and kick ass.

Book 5: Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Want to talk about a book that makes you want to take on the world? This is it. I felt inspired by this book the moment I read the title. I hadn’t heard of it, but as the internet does, it came forward in an ad, and a few weeks later, it was delivered to my doorstep.

I’ve never had a book change my perceptions and mindset just by the title before I even opened it, and the title does not disappoint.

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