Posted on: April 15, 2021 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

Advice for recent graduates

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          Your life is not going to look like you want it.

I am sorry to be the bearer of this news; however, it’s not bad.

When you graduate, you feel like you have the whole world on your shoulders. Before graduation, you were influenced, told what you were good at and forced to enter a program that may not suit you. This happens all the time, and when you start to wonder if this is the right path for you and begin to question the career journey you have begun, know that that’s normal and know that you can get off the course whenever you want.

I graduated high school, went to college, graduated university and was two years into a career before realizing that it wasn’t for me, so I changed it up. It’s okay.

People didn’t tell me that something like that was going to happen.

Society told me that once you chose something, you had to stick with it.

However, we are all different personality types. We all have various courses in life to pursue; it’s okay to change it up. It’s okay to change your mind, and most importantly, it necessary for you to be happy.