Posted on: March 21, 2020 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

How are you doing with the social distancing? Do you need a virtual pod of communication? Are you becoming concerned or worried? Feeling anxious and overwhelmed? Don’t worry. You’re not alone.

I have been building a routine to work from home for a while now. Which is funny, because currently, in a regular life situation, I don’t work from home, but it has always been my dream to. To be able to run my own business from the comfort of my own living situation. To be able to video calls and my bottom half being sweatpants, while my top half dressed up and fancy. My career path, has not lead me there yet; but because I have been planning for this, basically my entire life, I have pretty much settled in to this daily routine, but I also know that some of you haven’t, and that is okay.

It has been interesting for me to watch, as an observer, the different personalities coming out of this. I have learned a lot about the people that were my friends once upon a time, as they leave the house, not a care in the world, because they “won’t get sick”. Grandparents who don’t quite understand and keep inviting people over for dinners and breakfasts. We begin to see the divide between extroverts and introverts. Those who can happily stay at home and not notice a significant change in their day to day lives and those who are struggling not to leave the house and meet up with friends and family.

I fall somewhere in-between. Although I enjoy staying at home, reading, working on my writing. Moments where I needed human interaction, that wasn’t just the people living in my home, I would go out. That part seems to be a bit more difficult. I am on the phone a lot more, communicating with family members through FaceTime and other means, but it is not the same.

The anxiety is starting to build as things become more serious. Although I can work on the business linked to this blog, that is not the only job I have right now, and I am not sure what will happen next week. Will we continue to be in quarantine? How will I create things for work from home? Am I allowed to go back to my place of work to get more materials to be able to create digitals programs for work? We are on uncharted waters; I can’t ask for advice because everyone around me doesn’t exactly know what to do.

It is in moments like this where I know that I am not alone with these feelings of anxiety; however, I also know that this is opportune time to focus on the self. To regroup. Journal. Meditate. All the things that allow us to refocus; because when we have feelings of anxiety and overwhelmed concern, we are not able to focus in on reality and approach life with purpose. So, this is what I am doing. I am recentring. I am regrouping. I am approaching life with purpose.