Posted on: March 24, 2021 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

Healthy Disagreements

Abigail’s Daily is a Daily Column in The Innovative Online Journal to provide you with a short scoop on various topics. Designed to be a quick read during your morning coffee, open up The Innovative every weekday morning at 5:30 am and get your daily dose of Innovative.

It is natural to disagree in a relationship.

People have opinions, perspectives, and different understandings of the world around them.

And let’s be perfectly honest, if we were with somebody that saw the world the exact way we did, that would be pretty boring.

Although certain topics can be deal-breakers, like how people treat people and when human rights get involved, but how to load the dishwasher and to try to find agreement on a new fridge after yours breaks, those are disagreements that are okay to have, but how we approach them says a lot about who we are and our relationship.

I have seen romantic relationships break from arguments taken too far because the discussion did not approach it healthily.

So, how can we have healthy disagreements? It’s simpler than we realize.

  1. Actually, listen to the words, the meaning and the emotion that is being shared.
  2. Understand that sometimes we have to take accountability for our actions and admit when we are wrong.
  3. Approach situations as such: When you did … it made me feel …
  4. Let your partner know when you need to take a minute alone to process before sitting down and having a discussion.
  5. Don’t raise your voice.
  6. Embrace. Whether it’s hugging it out, or doing something that targets each of your love languages, show each other, remind each other of how much you love the other person.