Posted on: July 7, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 0

Have you ever derailed in your health? Everything was phenomenal, your eating was on track, exercise was going well and then all of a sudden you have had fries every day for four days straight and you don’t know how to run anymore?

That happened to me last week.

In full transparency and authenticity, it happens to me a few times during the year. It is not long. It is a couple of days where the motivation to exercise is lost and there is little to no meal planning. You know I am on one of these derailed moments, when I am asked “What is for dinner?” and the response is, “Cereal? Toast? Frozen pizza?”

These moments happen, and if they don’t, kudos to you; but two to three times a year, there are days when I am eating Chocolate-Hazelnut spread right out of the jar and I am not ashamed.

The thing that you have to remember is not to get sucked in and stay there. It is finding a way to get back on track. Sometimes this may last more than the four days it lasts for me, but the same tricks, tips and tools can be used in order for you to get back on the wagon and start heading in the right direction again.

What are some of these tips? Check them out below.

Start Meal Planning

It can be a pain in the rear end. Having to sit down, think up the meals, find recipes, make the grocery list. But it stops the “Cereal? Toast? Frozen pizza?” response when trying to figure out what is for dinner.

Come up with a few meals a week, that are healthy, nutritious and contain loads of vegetables. Your best friends are vegetables. Make double each night, that way you have leftovers for lunch the next day, and you don’t have to worry about what to pack and staying on track.

Make Water your Drink of Choice

Water fixes everything.

When you are feeling bloated and uneasy…drink water.

When you need to detox your body… drink water.

When you are feeling peckish … drink water.

Water is the best way to flush our bodies out. Whether we have built-up sugars and fats that we have eaten, or we just to cleanse our body; water does it all. It is the most homeopathic beverage we can put in our bodies.

Move your Body

Depending on how long you have been derailed for, moving your body can seem difficult, especially knowing what type of movement to start off with.

If it has been years since you have exercised, start with walks.

Just moving your body is good for you and you will feel good too.

Have you ever noticed that after you do any form of movement you feel better afterwards? Those are your endorphins. It wakes your body up, it wakes your brain up and it motivates you to keep going.

Get Excited about Your Food

Health is not just eating lettuce. There are recipes out there that are phenomenal, exciting and delicious. Find them. Use them. Get giddy about your food.

When we are excited about the food we are eating, we will eat it. We will fill our body with the nutrients that it needs and feel better for it.

What is the first step in eating better?

Loving food. All food.