Posted on: July 2, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 1

Whether it is working from home or working in an office, sometimes productivity can be disguised by “looking busy”. Countless times, while working in an office, I would open my computer and pretend to be working on something important. My eyes glued to the screen, my back hunched over like I was in full work mode — but sometimes… I was just looking at a blank screen. All the procrastination resulted in was sore shoulders from not maintaining good posture. There are a variety of different ways to stay productive, and some of them have nothing to do with your work ethics, and everything to do with your health habits.

Taking Breaks

When it comes to staying productive, sometimes taking that much needed break can allow you recenter your brain and as a result… get more work done.

Have you ever been sitting at your desk and continuously look at the clock to see how much time is left until lunch or the end of the day? That means you need to take a break. Your unconscious has become exhausted, to the point that it is spending more time focused on the time, then on the work that needs to be done.

The result?

You don’t get any work done.

When you take the necessary brain breaks, you allow your body and your mind to recharge and refocus. Go grab a snack. Get a glass of water. Go for a short five minute walk, even if it is just around the building. Walk away and then come back.

By allowing your brain the required rest it needs, it will come back in full swing and be ready to tackle the case, article, lesson plan or whatever else you needed to get done, but couldn’t find the motivation to do.

Eating Healthy

To some.. it might seem foolish.

To others… they swear by it.

Having healthy eating habits has an impact on your body and being tired or unmotivated… has everything to do with your body. So it is only logical that the two can be related.

I went out for lunch one day, on a workday. I spoiled myself with some poutine (a Quebec delicacy that includes fries, gravy and curd cheese). I immediately felt the indigestion start.

Now do I regret the poutine?

Not one bit, the thing was delicious.

However, I did notice a significant difference in my motivation to work.

If I compare that day, with a day like today. Where I have eaten well and had a nutritious lunch; I haven’t even looked at the clock in the last .. I don’t know how long.

I have been making lists and getting things done because I don’t feel bloated, heavy and tired. Foods that contain lots of sugars and fats will make us feel bloated, heavy and tired. No one wants to work in that condition.

Healthy eating can have an increase on your productivity during your work time.

Regular Exercise

I am not a personal trainer, but I do know that daily movement can have a positive effect on memory, productivity and all-around mood.

When you exercise regularly you feel uplifted and are inclined to do more.

Movement is a great way to clear the brain, give yourself that much needed “you time” and increase your productivity in the workspace.

Do a short workout in the morning. Go for a walk on your lunch break. Sign up for a yoga class at your local gym in the evening. Engaging in daily exercise will increase your motivation during everyday tasks.


Go to bed.

Instead of staying up, half zombie on the couch while you watch another episode of a show that you don’t really care about, go to bed.

I heard once that when you begin to get sleepy in front of a screen, it means your body was actually ready to go to bed three hours before that. The light stimulation causes your brain to not recognize when it is tired. Now… I don’t know if that is true, but it sounds like it could be.

A good night’s sleep can have dramatic changes to your mood, motivation levels and communication abilities the next day. You might even start waking up earlier, working out and taking your time in the morning.. which will ultimately allow your day to start off on the right foot.

Each body is different and whether you need 5, 8 or 12 hours of sleep, get to know your body and what it needs. Listen to it and sleep.


Staying productive has everything to do with the habits that we engage in every day. Whether it is putting the right foods in our body, exercising regularly or listening to our body and resting when we need to; there is more to being productive than pushing through the hours, with our eyes half-open, in hopes that we get everything done.

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