Posted on: June 7, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 2

I changed jobs. I decided a few months ago that I no longer wanted to work on my blog when I “had the time”. I wanted to run this website with all of my passion and treat it as job in and of itself.


I decided that I was going to change things up a bit in the coming year. Instead of working full-time and finding the time on the weekend to write, I was going to work part-time; giving me more opportunities to open and engage with the passion I have always had, but never took the opportunity to cultivate.

Writing & Creating.

This means that this year I have different goals than the previous years. I am looking for success through the approval of others, but I am looking for the success that I can give myself. Of course, we have the long-term goals that allow us to reach for the stars, even when they are hiding behind the clouds, but this year I am going to focus on my new short-term goals, the ones that will get me there.

What are these mysterious goals you ask?

I have laid it out into three steps that target this business that I intend to grow.

Create an Engaging Program for Free

I have been working on this one for some time. I want to create content for my readers that allows them to work on themselves and shows them the value of self-development and self-growth.

This program will scream value. A program that would be sold by other companies, but I am offering it for free. To let my readers see the value in the business that I am creating. This program is the pivot point, it is the way I am going to start the year off right.

But it’s June… the year is already half way through?

Not mine.

My year starts this month. My changes start today and this program is going to be the pivot point of those goals and changes.

Start a Podcast

A podcast has been on my list for some time, but I always worried that I wouldn’t gain a proper audience and would be creating content for .. well… nobody.

I am going to get rid of those fears, and using the free program as my turning point, I will take on the challenge of a podcast, one that targets self-development, growth, change and inspiration all in the comfort of my own home.

Become Confident in the Content that I Create

This one might seem strange, but as a writer, you are always split down the middle between confidence and loathing. I sometimes wonder if the content that I create is well written, I have looked for validation from others and have been nervous to post on my own personal Facebook page, in fear that some of the friends I have on Facebook would not approve, or would find typos.

But then I think…

This mindset is not going to get my business anywhere. I need to shift it. I need to not care what others think, but show them that I am confident in the person I am becoming, typos and all.

This is my last goal. If I can reach this goal by the end of the year, and find the confidence to share my creations with the people who are supposed to support me and love me, then I am ready to tackle three more goals that get me that much closer to the stars.

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