Posted on: May 7, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 9

Heidi Slowinksi is an independently published author of the novel “The House on Maple Street”, that was released in November of last year. She is currently working on two novellas, that are to be released before the end of the year. Slowinksi began her blog to promote her writing and develop her skills as a writer. She features book reviews, as well as hosts contests on her blog. Her passions of cooking and travel can sometimes seep through as she is preparing her second blog launch to in May.


Slowinski began her blogging and novel journey less than a year ago. With the publication of her novel, the growing success of her blog and the soon to be released novellas, Slowinski feels inspired by her own incredible journey, sometimes not believing how she has grown in this short amount of time. She hopes to “inspire others to take the first step toward pursuing a passion project”, from her own experience, she aspires to inspire others to pursue, like she did and continues to do each day.

Slowinski believes that empowerment is “having the strength and confidence to pursue whatever you’re passionate about”. Feeling the drive and motivation to pursue our dreams, no matter how risky they may seem. How does that impact people directly? She believes that:

“feeling empowered means feeling capable of doing something out of your comfort zone or that’s maybe a little scary. It’s a high like no other when you see something you’ve put your heart into starts to take shape. It motivates me to want to take the next step and continue to grow.”


Passion is an element in life that can sometimes seem foreign to the distant eye. Passion can cause drive, but it can also cause fear and uncertainty. Slowinski believes that passion gives “colour and meaning” to life, making things interesting and motivating.

Slowinski discusses that when we live a life without passion, we are simply putting the daily motions of the day, without feeling the burning sensation that should inspire our drive.

When asked what the term “live passionately” meant to her, Slowinski correlates it with her own journey:

“I grew up as an avid reader. I absolutely love books. When a friend suggested that I should pursue writing a book of my own, at first I brushed it off as something I wouldn’t be able to do. But the more I thought about it and talked about it, the more I realized I have stories to tell too. I like to talk about my writing process and share insights on where I find inspiration on my blog. It’s become something that drives me. I want to keep writing and to keep sharing my work with people. It’s truly a passion.”


Slowinski was asked to define dedication, what it meant to her and how she personally views it through the eyes of the journey she is on. She explains that dedication is “making a commitment to something and sticking with it.” She gives herself as an example, although she has admiration towards writing, there are some days where it is more difficult than others, but she persists and writes her target goal that day. And how does it end? She is happy with the progress that she has made, proud of the work she creates. That is dedication in her own life. She expresses that “having dreams is a wonderful thing. But it takes action to make a dream into a reality.” Her novel work is proof of that hard work and time spent recreating her journey.

Heidi Slowinski is a character that encompasses the title of this series. She demonstrates her perseverance and need to be in creator of her life.

When asked how the three, empowerment, passion and dedication work together, she replied:

“It takes a passion for something to want to take action toward achieving a goal, empowerment to have the confidence to pursue it, and dedication to stick with the journey.

9 People reacted on this

  1. Heidi, I sooooo enjoyed reading this blog. You have my utmost respect. I love to write as well but lately have been having not so much a ‘writer’s block’ so to speak… but rather dealing with procrastination in knocking out some new blogs. Definitely a new follower.

  2. Wow, I love that quote at the end – so powerful. I enjoyed reading your profile on Heidi and am looking forward to reading her book.

  3. Nice article! Love these stories of finding success stepping outside of one’s comfort zone. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Heidi’s story is very inspiring. I also like that she said, “passion gives colour and meaning to life”, which is so true. Without passion, life would be a bland and a bore. Thanks for sharing this post!

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