Posted on: April 22, 2020 Posted by: TeaGal Comments: 7

Before I begin this blog post we need to define what a relationship is.

There is an assortment of relationships, platonic, romantic, family, friendships; in this specific blog post, I am talking about a general relationship, the way in which two or more people are connected (Oxford Dictionary).

*At the end of this post is an extra explanation specific to healthy romantic relationships.

As a society, we are so determined to fix our romantic relationships or find a companion romantically, that we sometimes forget that we also need to put effort into our other relationships as well. We also need to be aware that some relationships are not healthy, you can refer to my most recent blog post on toxicity for a better understanding of the traits in a toxic relationship.

What is a healthy relationship?

A healthy relationship is a connection between two or more people based on mutual respect, support, honesty and trust. A healthy relationship is a safe space where we are left being able to be ourselves and show others who we really are.

Below I have written the 10 reasons we should keep our relationships healthy.

1. Communication

We have heard over and over again that communication is key. What does that mean? Healthy communication is feeling safe to explain yourself without judgement. To be able to talk about the conflicts, the points of view, the happy moments, and every inch in-between.

Now I am the first person to say “I feel uncomfortable”, but sometimes we have to break through the discomfort because the communication is worth it. It empowers you to be yourself, and understand that you are perfect just the way that you are. Open communication can sometimes feel embarrassing and challenging, especially when it comes to explaining yourself, but it is that practice that allows you to open up to the person that you have this connection with…. you have a connection with them for reason.

2. Compromise

Do you have a stubborn personality? … So do I, being able to compromise might take some work, but in the end it is worth it.

When you think of compromising you can’t look at it as losing something but gaining a new perspective.

Have you placed yourself in the other person’s shoes? It allows you to really understand the position that they are taking, and it allows you to understand yours a bit better. You will be able to reflect on what is important and what might not be.

3. Individuality

This is crucial.

When you are part of a healthy relationship you still maintain a proper sense of self. You understand who you are and you do not let that go.

I have seen over and over again friends of mine falling into this trap. Whether it be with a new friend, or a new romance, who they are starts to disappear piece by piece in order to impress the second party.

I will emphasize this, again with any relationship:

A relationship is two independent people coming together as a team.

4. Mutual Respect

Blame is not put on anyone’s shoulders.

You hold enough respect for yourself to admit when you are wrong and hold enough respect in your relationship to not hold hostage to mistakes that might have been made.

This interaction allows you to feel safe when holding yourself accountable, not worried that you might be left feeling guilty, for an unknown amount of time.

A healthy relationship does not allow for that, because there is a level of mutual respect for both parties.

5. Honesty

Being able to own up to your mistakes.

Knowing that the other party will own up to their’s as well.

Not worrying about whether they are lying to protect your feelings, or what they really think.

Sometimes this can feel brutal, if they are being honest about you. But it only feel brutal because it is a moment of reflection that you need to make on your part.

I have a confidant that I have known since I was a young child. We hold honesty with great importance in our communication. If I approach a situation in a way that could have been handled differently, they will let me know. Sometimes, at the moment, it hurts, because deep down I knew it already. Nonetheless, it is a moment of self-reflection, a moment for me to take the steps to become the best version of myself that I can be. That’s what they want for me, and that is what I want for them. That is honesty.

6. Trust

Have you ever stayed up all night, tossing and turning in your bed, not knowing whether the other party in your relationship held your best interest at hand?

Or maybe regretting telling them the secret information, because you are not sure whether they will hold it tight to their heart?

In a healthy relationship those times are gone.

You know that this person holds your best interests, and you hold theirs. You know that you would give them your life in a jar and they will hold onto it with love, care and honour.

You are doubt free. And doubt free is the healthiest YOU can be.

7. Problem-Solving

In any relationship, this is where things might go amidst. Where we see the true colours of the person on the other side of the desk.

In healthy relationships, problems do not feel entirely uncomfortable, but a way to express how you are and were feeling in the situation.

“When you say/do _________________________ I feel this ______________________ because _________________________________.”

The use of this technique in problem-solving is used in all healthy relationships because remember that healthy relationships still have disagreements, arguments and problems that arise, it is how they solve them that makes them different from the rest.

8. Understanding

This form of understanding is deep. It is transformed on a level that can only be obtained when you get to know each other in a true, safe and honest way.

Being able to read the other person, know what they are feeling before they do.

Knowing who they are.

Creating a space that allows them to feel safe enough to be themselves.

And feeling understood.

9. Inspiration

A healthy relationship should leave you feeling inspired.

Whatever the way your inspiration pushes through. Whether they are inspiring you to become a better person, a more considerate person, an artful person, a reader or lover of life.

The inspiration should flood through your body in some way.

10. Self-Confidence

Finally, self-confidence.

What does self-confidence have to do with a connection between two or more people?


When we feel comfortable enough to be ourselves, we also feel confident in ourselves. Confident in our choices in life, confident in who we are and why we were put on this earth.

This type of confidence only comes from a healthy, supportive, loving, and honest environment.

The relationships that we make guide us through our lives. If we make unhealthy choices with the people we invite in our life, we are making a direct choice in how we want life to pan out.

A Healthy Sex Life*

*Intended for romantic relationships

When we hear the term “healthy sex life”, we jump to the conclusion that it means having sex a certain number of times a week, or the “performance” that is given, but in all honesty, this has nothing to do with a healthy sex life.

The frequency in which a couple engages in intercourse is personal to them. There is no math that says that a certain number means you are in a healthy sexual relationship.

A healthy sex life is all about communication. Being able to communicate your needs, being able to see each other for who you are. It is all about the deep connection that you have with your partner and that you have with yourself.

7 People reacted on this

  1. A healthy sex life is by far the most important thing for me in a healthy relationship because it encompasses everything else that a healthy relationship needs, communication, compromise, confidence, trust, all of it!

  2. This was beautifully written. Thank you so much for pointing out trust (I need to work on this one). You’re right, when there’s trust, you are doubt free.

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